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Strategic management essays

Strategic management essays

Companies must be open to the radical invention to find new, significant and sustainable sources of revenue. Jake Welch, CEO at General Electrics, revolutionized management by introducing a series of innovatory ideas at his company, strategic management essays. The first step of strategic management is the definition of the current level of business and the mission. In fact, movement into international markets enhances the chances of success for new ventures as well as more established firms. This leads to strategic management essays setting of objectives, the development of strategies, and the…. According to G rel and Tat, it is used to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment, as well as opportunities and threats of the external environment influencing the businesses.

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Strategic management is concerned with the identification and execution of the organizational goals with the market demands. A standard strategic management plan follows a certain sequence which makes up the heuristic of organizing a strategic plan David, The first step of strategic management is the definition of the current level of business and the mission. This step seeks to look at how far the organization is at as far as the mission is concerned, strategic management essays. The next step is carrying out the external and internal audits. Both audits facilitate the situational analysis whereby the organization seeks to find out the actual scenarios that surround it.

It also helps in the creation of the right approach to the issues that face the organization Birkinshaw, The third step is the formulation of new mission and vision statement of the organization. The mission is a generalized objective and there is no way of ensuring implementing the mission Sadler, This leads to the fourth step which is the translation of the mission into measurable and attainable goals. Goal formulation has strategic management essays more focused approach than the mission statement formulation. The fifth step in the strategic management process is the formulation so the strategies that are to be applied in the attainment of the strategic goals. Strategies assess the most effective approaches that an organization can employ in the attainment of the already formulated goals Sadler, The sixth step in the strategic management process is the implementation of the strategies, the final step is the performance evaluation on the effectiveness of the strategic plan.

Strategic management unlike processes like inventory management process is important in that it leads to the creation of the right approach to the issues that face the organization. Ford has been facing a lot of challenges from the competition and market dynamics. Toyota and Nissan have proven strategic management essays to be worthy competition for Ford Company since they are able to produce their vehicles with the market in focus. Japanese car manufacturers also have the advantage of cost efficient production processes. Ford vehicles are highly priced hence not appealing to the low-income earners Birkinshaw, The above issue proved that the company needed to place more focus on the final user of the product and come up with a sustainable business model.

With a view of change in mind Ford came up with a strategic plan dubbed The Way Forward. The plan involved downsizing the number of employees, closing up numerous plants and automation of most of strategic management essays production process David, The steps strategic management essays in the creation of the strategic plan included; performance of the external and internal audits, formulation of the new mission, formulation of strategic goals, formulation of strategies, implementation of the laid strategies and finally, evaluating the performance of the new strategic management essays. Birkinshaw, J. Strategic management 1st ed, strategic management essays. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Pub, strategic management essays.

David, F. Upper Saddle River, N. Sadler, P, strategic management essays. Sterling, VA: Kogan Page. In the strategic management analysis below, strategic management essays, three companies that are global leaders in their respective fields will be used. These are KFC Kentucky Fried ChickenShell and Anwell technologies. The core industries in which these three companies deal are extremely competitive and it is mandatory that every company constantly puts its best foot forward if it is to remain at the top of the food chain. Internal and External Strategic management essays. The environment in which a business finds itself is arguably the most important factor insofar as its success is concerned. Believing that charity begins at home, these three companies strive to ensure that their internal factors are at the most favorable they can be to favor profitability.

Strategic management essays of the key factors that Shell, Anwell Technologies and KFC critically consider include raw material availability, strategic management essays, labor availability and industry specific laws. For example, KFC and Shell have numerous offices in different parts of the world, strategic management essays. They ensure that they set up shop in locations that are politically stable, socially favorable preferably with a population having high purchasing powereconomically viable and technologically supportive.

Anwell Technologies, for instance, has set up oversees offices in Delhi and Sao Paolo that are surrounded by all these favorable macro factors that support business prosperity. Competitive Advantages and Strategies. In their quests to remain at the top, competitive advantage has been a key ingredient in the soup of success that these companies enjoy. KFC has maintained its competitive advantage in the fcat that it offers, arguably, the best fried chicken in the world. This strategy allows KFC to lure plenty of customers that are then turned into loyalists once they enjoy the tasty fried chicken.

Anwell Technologies, strategic management essays, on the other hand, has also managed to remain afloat of the competition, despite the high levels of competition in this industry. The manufacture of photovoltaic cells and OLEDs is a fairly crowded business due to the many investors all over the world looking to earn their livings from this industry. However, Anwell has managed to position itself as a global player insofar as photovoltaic cell and OLED manufacture are concerned. Strategic management essays key strength of Anwell is that it is able to position itself extremely well, providing limitless opportunities for the manufacturing giant.

Choosing to market itself in cities such as Delhi, strategic management essays, Sao Paolo, Hamburg and Sydney allow Anwell to market itself to a large population that is also coincidentally made up of a large number of youths. This allows Anwell to market strategic management essays as a global leader in the manufacture of OLEDs and photovoltaic cells, strategic management essays, as well as secure possible future loyalists from the youngest age possible. The diversity and dynamism of Shell is its key selling point. Value Creation and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, strategic management essays.

The need to increase product value within the demand and supply chain has long been taken as a route to sustainability and value creation. For instance, the introduction of local accompaniments with a foreign twist as accompaniments to basic KFC dishes has enabled the franchisees to increase the value of their business. This is because their businesses are able to resonate with the locals. In the matter of Shell, localizing the international products to fit local conditions, rather than just mounting an international commercial or strategy that is expected to work in all parts of the world.

The ability to be foreign, with a touch of locality, adaptability and uniqueness has enabled companies such as KFC, Anwell and Shell to remain sustainable, while simultaneously increasing the value of these companies-much to the liking of investors. Verifying Strategic Effectiveness. Inasmuch as employing a strategy is essential it is not an outright guarantee of success, strategic management essays. For success to be realized, it is mandatory that appropriate measures are employed to ensure that the guidelines set to realize maximum profitability are strictly adhered to. In addition to this, self analysis by the company has often proven to be one of the most vital tools towards realizing strategic effectiveness. These measurement guidelines are drawn to guide companies such as Shell, Anwell and KFC towards realizing the future in the best, and most profitable, way possible.

Being able to stick to the targets has been instrumental to the success that these companies have enjoyed. This is because even when things were tough, these businesses were able to remain afloat. The fact that these businesses were wired to follow strategic management essays strategic management plan has proved essential to their successes. This combination, has helped a great deal to shape the courses chartered by these institutions towards success. Working to improve on strategic management essays weaknesses, rather than avoiding them, has played an integral part in the success stories of these institutions.

The use of such data in the course of making major decisions concerning the company could prove to an essential tool that fosters the making of clear judgment and business-wise decisions even under intense pressure. This helps to avoid possible catastrophes in terms of management, thereby preventing losses. Guideline Effectiveness. In the matter of determining the effectiveness of any management strategy in an organization, there are essentially three parameters that are considered. The first, and most important parameter, is profitability. For any business to rank in the same category as Anwell, strategic management essays, KFC and Shell, it must be profitable for its size, whether large, medium or small.

Profitability serves as the direct representation of strategic management effectiveness because it is essentially a translation of more clients joining the company fold. Because it favors rise in profitabilitystrategic management essays, a properly designed and implemented strategic management plan will result in profitability. The second parameter in the matter of testing the effectiveness of the guidelines lies in quality maintenance. Inasmuch as many people love having a full plate of food, ensuring the food is of impeccable quality at the price is essential.

This is because quality is what keeps the clients coming back. The last parameter is customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are happy customers, and that results in the development of loyalists. Ensuring that the clients are served in a way that makes them feel cherished is one of the methods applied by Shell, KFC and Anwell. By putting strategic management essays customers above all else, these institutions are essentially working to test to effectiveness of their strategic management plan, as well as have the opportunity to obtain critical feedback from the customers. Since feedback is a crucial process of the strategic management plan, then it is undisputed that a good strategic management plan pays close attention to all the factors that could or do have any bearing on the strategic management plan of the organization in question.

References Hill, C. Strategic Management. Cengage Learning. Hitt, M. Strategic management: Competitiveness and globalization. Mason, Ohio: South-Western. Strategic management. London: Kogan Page. In the recent past, the field of business has been experiencing immense growth, strategic management essays.

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The sequence of the strategic management process can therefore be summarised as follows: effective strategic actions that take place in the context of carefully integrated strategy formulation and implementation actions result in desired strategic outcomes. Hoffman Spring however stresses that the strategic management process should be dynamic considering that there is ever changing markets and competitive structures. As such, as firms face increased environmental changes e. increased globalisation, integrated markets firms benefit from strategic planning. Moreover, Hanson et al indicate that the strategic management process should be a rational approach that firms must use to achieve strategic competitiveness in the market.

The strategic management process should therefore be the full set of commitments, decisions, and actions required for a firm to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn profitable returns Hitt et al However, business strategies built upon single competencies may not provide the competitive position and financial performance a firm is seeking to achieve, as indicated by Olson He observes that the most successful firms in the current decade are learning to become highly flexible, operationally integrated, and delivering value to customers, partners, and alliances in revolutionary new ways that are not easily leap-frogged or imitated.

Blumentritt and Danis Summer observe that one key to successful strategic management is the ability to achieve fit or coherence among a set of competitive factors, both internal and extent, to the firm, in a manner that facilitates high performance. In such a case, firms must not simply react to their environments but should dynamically interact with them via the strategic actions of top managers. In this case the formulation of a strategy should be scientific as it looks into data and information that are relevant to the firm. Strategy, according to Guttman and Hawkes , is about the future and thus requires certain assumptions about upcoming product, market, technological, governmental, and competitive trends.

Such assumptions are worthless, and maybe even deadly, unless they are tested and validated. While formulating assumptions is a legitimate task for the top team, its members rarely posses the first-hand knowledge needed to confirm or deny the validity of those assumptions. Using this approach makes strategy formulation scientific. Nevertheless, effective industry analysis is a product of careful study and interpretation of data and information from multiple sources Hanson In this regard, a wealth of industry-specific data is available to be analysed.

In fact, research shows that in some industries, international variables are more important than domestic ones as determinants of strategic competitiveness. In fact, movement into international markets enhances the chances of success for new ventures as well as more established firms. Research therefore has revealed that firms that engage in strategic management generally outperform those that do not but when a firm fails to execute effectively, the culprit is often how and why of countless individual decisions and actions Chehade et al June Wheelen and Hunger observe that in a survey of nearly 50 corporations from various countries and industries, there are three highly rated benefits of strategic management, namely: 1 clearer sense of strategic vision for the form; 2 sharper focus on what is strategically important; and 3 improved understanding of a rapidly changing environment.

On occasion, fine-tuning the existing strategy is not enough and major strategy shifts are called, for, such as when a strategy is clearly failing and the company faces a financial crisis, when market conditions or buyer preferences change significantly and new opportunities arise, when competition do something unexpected, or when important technological breakthroughs occur. Some industries are more volatile than others. Adapting to new conditions and constantly learning what is well enough to continue and what needs to be improved is consequently a normal part of the strategy-making process and results in an evolving strategy.

Since strategic decision-making covers a wide range of issues confronting management, then it is necessary to organise these in some way, to see where they arise and how they are concerned Warren He suggests that a logical approach is to follow a more or less chronological sequence, as follows: 1 whether to take part; 2 choosing a strategy for taking part; 3 designing a likely path to success; 4 steering strategy through time; and 5 whether to extent or revise the strategy. Given the concepts discussed regarding strategic management, the question now is: Is strategic management is an art or a science or is it a mixture of luck and judgement or a combination of everything?

Based on the discussion of the literatures and studies reviewed, firstly, it can be said that strategic managements is a combination of both an art and a science. It is an art because during the implementation phase of the plans made, managers are given the flexibility of implementation considering the fact that there are conditions during this phase that may intervene and thus require modification of the plans in the course of their execution. Moreover, the implementation of plans usually depends upon the character traits and style of the manager. This is because each manager has his own style and character of executing plans. The objective here is to carry out the plans and it does not matter how a manager will properly execute them.

Because of this different managers perform differently from each other since they are unique individuals with different traits. Managers obviously need to improve strategy implementation activities, but the pace of these activities and the implementation itself has many problems along the way. In some instances, primary objectives are somewhat forgotten as the strategy moves into implementation, and the initial momentum is lost before the firm realises the expected benefits. Traditional strategy implementation concepts overemphasise structural aspects, reducing the whole effort to an organisation exercise.

Strategic management, on the other hand, can also be considered a science since during the formulation phase, all aspects external and internal are examined which require both quantitative and qualitative data and extensive analysis. During the formulation process various assumptions are formulated and tested and alternatives are formulated to see the various outcomes based on the factors considered. What is more crucial here is that it requires scientific method of studying the data and information before management decides on what is the best strategy to undertake given the assumptions formulated. Accordingly, successful strategies are based on a good understanding of the markets in which firms compete.

This understanding requires that they have accurate, timely information and means to analyse and communicate this information to relevant decision makers. Although the research process is a complex, time-consuming, and expensive activity, this does not mean that firms must remain ignorant and isolated about the world around it. Josey-Bass: San Francisco Healthfield, S. Develop your strategies, goals and action plans within your strategic framework. htm NBRI. Change and communication: You can't have one without the other. National Business Research Institute. Discuss the key reasons that some firms choose to use a cooperative strategy. Are these reasons of equal validity or legitimacy?

And, given that not all cooperative endeavors achieve success, what are a few of the reasons why this might be so? There are several reasons that a firm would chose to use a cooperative strategy. Cooperative strategies help create value for the customer along with putting the company in a good position in regards to their competition. Both of these reasons are of equal validity and legitimacy, since they allow a company to leverage their resources for the overall good of the company. Not all cooperative endeavors achieve success in the end even though they start out with good intentions. Every cooperative endeavor is taken on with a certain…. Lululemon Athletica Inc. is a premium designer and retailer of athletic apparel that has remained profitable over the years.

This paper discusses strategic management for Lululemon Athletica Inc in relation to its business strategy and practices. Competitive Forces Confronting Lululemon Even though Lululemon has remained profitable over the years, the company is faced by various competitive forces in the market for performance-based yoga and fitness apparel. The firm also faces a high threat of substitutes from established brands like Nike, Adidas and Reebok. However, the bargaining power of buyers in the market…. Obviously, though, social entrepreneurship differs strikingly from typical strategic management because of the overarching importance of the social mission itself. Social entrepreneurship shares some features in common….

References Osberg, S. Two keys to sustainable social enterprise. May The social and economic mission of social enterprises. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 39 5 : Introduction The American soft drink market has been gradually shrinking over the last two decades due to health concerns. Many health experts are warning against sugary and carbonated drinks, so the sales have naturally reduced. And several reports are showing that those who are no longer taking sugary and carbonated drinks are turning to alternative drinks such as teas, natural juices, water, and so on. This has resulted in the steady growth of healthier non-carbonated drinks Al-Shaar et al. Among the many alternative drinks recording, steady growth in energy drinks. The energy drink market has seen steady growth since its launch in the United States in the year According to Kunst , since energy drinks were launched in the United States in , the market or segment has grown steadily at an annual rate of about 20 percent every year.

The market is now valued at over 53…. My skills must be in line not just with my current position, but with the position in which I hope to find myself next. I will also seek opportunities to learn from experts within my own company. The second component is that I wish to develop a strong competency in technology. The role of information technology in modern management continues to increase and I will seek to develop a competitive advantage through continuous improvement of my technological skills. I will implement this part of the strategy my taking coursework and engaging in extensive study of the industry on my own time.

The second key strategy will be that I will build strong communication skills. Strong leadership is one of the most important traits in management today. It is therefore imperative that I build a competitive advantage in terms of my leadership and communication skills. I will implement this strategy by…. Works Cited Thompson Jr. No author. SWOT Analysis. The synthesis of the Classical Approach, Human esource Approach, Quantitative Approach, Systems Perspective, Contingency Approach and Information Technology Approach is used as the foundation for showing how the BV approach to management can deliver exceptional results aduan, Jegak,…. References Raduan, C. Management, strategic management theories and the linkage with organizational competitive advantage from the resource-based view.

European Journal of Social Sciences, 11 3 , Strategic Management and Michael Porter Over the last several decades, there have been a number of business strategies introduced. These are designed to help firms become more competitive and increase their profit margins. One of the more prominent thinkers is Michael Porter. However, some individual believe that his ideas and reputation are unfounded. This is because his philosophies are generally not used by a host of business professors. To fully understand what is taking place requires examining the article titled Strategic Management and Michael Porter. Once this happens, is when Michael Porter's contribution to the field of business management will be evident. The Key Ideas In the article Harfield believes that Michael Porter is receiving more credit than he actually provides to modern business philosophy.

This was…. Reference Harfield, T, , 'Strategic Management and Michael Porter,' Harvard Format. Strategic Management Case Over the last 20 years, the Balance Scorecard has been used as an approach by corporations to improve their competitiveness and ability to adapt to changes inside the industry. Financial is when the firm is looking at tactics that will measure the monetary impact of the strategy on the organization. The basic idea is to be able to understand shareholders views of management and the company. The internal business process is when executives are examining various strategies inside the firm that will help them to become better in delivering products to customers and achieving the goals of shareholders.

The customer is when management is concentrating on consumer perceptions and how…. References Balance Scorecard Basics. Balance Scorecard. aspx Carpenter, M. Strategic Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Strategic Management Action: Strategic Position, Choices, And Strategy Implementation Strategic management is stated to be the "process by which an organization formulates its objectives and manages to achieve them. Strategy is the means to achieve the organizational ends. The strategic vision of the manager is inclusive of the following elements: 1 The ability to solve complex and more complex problems; 2 The knowledge to be more anticipatory in perspective and approach, and 3 The willingness to develop options for the future.

Thomas, nd The work of Peter Drucker states that the primary task of strategic management is the focus on the business overall mission and states: "…that is, of asking the question What is our usiness? This leads to the setting of objectives, the development of strategies, and the…. Bibliography Futuring: Strategic Planning for Making Your Visions Come True. Scott Thornton. American Society of Association Executives, Introducing Strategy nd Strategy Lab -- Chapter 1. pdf Long-Range Planning. American Society of Association Executives. Planning for the Future. By Stephen Gilbert. Strategic Management Process Strategic management entails the steps taken and combination of managerial decisions which sums up the future performance of a particular company. It entails the four pillars of management.

The strategic plans give a framework for the entire company to not only use but also apply. The strategic management consists of steps that shape up the implementation, strategic planning as well as evaluation Wheelen and Hunger, First step: The initial step is to decide the mission of the company and its aims and objectives. Each company requires a mission. When the aims and objectives of an organization are crystal clear, then the managers can work with identifying the viability of its services and products. The managers also need to recognize the goals put in effect at present and strategies being worked upon.

The aims and objectives of a company can decide the criteria for performance that employees…. References Wheelen, T. And Hunger, D. Strategic Management and Business Policy. Knight, B. Strategic management of British Airways Company. And Hunger, J. Concepts in strategic management and business policy: Achieving sustainability. Strategic Management Facebook Strategic Management Mission and Vision Statement against Organizational Performance Evaluation of Strategic Goals Financial Performance of the Organization Competitive and Market Analysis Corporate Strategy to Maximize eturn to Shareholders Mergers or Acquisitions as a Viable Strategy Employee Motivational Techniques Organizational Existing Strategies' Support to Business Ethics The world of commerce in the twenty fist century has changed, indeed revolutionized in terms of doing business and making money.

The technological innovations and advancement has left an indelible imprint on the ways of operating business functions. Strategic management is an enduring phenomenon that serves as a roadmap to the organization, where it usually evaluates and controls the overall…. References Facebook. Facebook -- About Mission Statement. Facebook -- Investor Relations Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Facebook -- Investor Relations Facebook Reports Third Quarter Results. Facebook: One Billion and Counting. Therefore, they use strict evaluation criteria to make choice among different alternatives. Internal Environmental Analysis for Toyota Motor Corporation 5.

The esources Types: Like other types of business corporations, Toyota also relies on four different organizational resources. These are: financial resources, human resources, informational resources, and physical resources. Financial resources are the money invested by the company's shareholders and the profits left after paying off liabilities. These resources enable the company to run its day-to-day operations, run marketing campaigns, and make strategic investments to keep it innovative and competitive in all aspects. Secondly, the human resources are the intellectual capital that plays a major role in….

References Bearden, W. Marketing: Principles and Perspectives, 5th Edition. Boston, Mass: McGraw-Hill Blythe, J. Marketing Planning: Strategy, Environment and Context, 3rd Edition. K: Prentice Hall Brassington, F. Principles of Marketing, 4th Edition. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall Frederic, M. Pest Analysis, 2nd Edition. K: Gardners Books. The flat structure is also valued greatly by working in teams. The SHM is supported by flexible work, structure and people and is integrated into the larger participative change business strategy. The report above described the evolution of the business strategy for Macquarie Bank.

By emphasizing the continuous adaptation to the environment and adjusting the internal structure to meet expected outcomes, the Bank adopts a prospective business strategy. The Defender is also called 'Type a', characterized by such product-market strategies: limited, stable product line; predictable market; growth through market penetration; and emphasis: 'deep'. The Prospector also known as 'Type B', is defined by product-market strategies that are broad, changing product line;…. References Armstrong, M. Guest, D. Employment relations, HRM and business Performance: An analysis of the Workplace Employee Relations Survey.

London: Institute of Personnel and Development. Ahmed F. S, Uddin M. Strategic Human Resource Management: Linking HR Practices with the Business Strategy, the Cost and Management, Vol. Journal of Managerial Issues June. Secondly, when designing the reward strategy, the HR manager must pay high attention to the stages earlier described for the HRM strategy. This will give him a clue about the 'light at the end of the tunnel', that is the main goal that the organization strives to achieve. According to such findings, he will establish the behaviors he wants to encourage and the types of rewards that are needed for stimulating the respective conducts. One of the most recommended and in fashion approaches is the total reward strategy. Unlike earlier times which used to lay exclusive stress on pecuniary advantages, contemporary specialists have found that employees are motivated by both financial rewards encompassing base pay, variable pay, share ownership, benefits, and non-financial rewards, comprising recognition, quality of working life, career opportunities and opportunity to develop skills.

According to Thompson, some of the most important features that such strategy boasts…. Bibliography De Silva, S. Trends in human resource management and management objectives. On the Internet at: www. Retrieved March Developing a HRM strategy More flexibility in reward strategies could assist public sector efficiency drives Retrieved March 31, Reward strategy Each employee takes responsibility for his or her continuous improvement in terms of the skill set, behavior and contributions needed for optimal work performance. Expectations are shared in a clear and concise manner, rather than being obscured in business language that does little more than inflate the ego of the manager.

In addition to managers who clarify their expectations to individuals and teams, the latter also clarify to managers how they expect to be managed and helped towards optimal performance so that collective company goals can be reached. The focus of strategic human resource management is therefore the complexity of interrelationships between management and employees in order to optimize performance. These interrelationships refer not only to the one between management and employees, but also between members of groups and teams, as well…. Relationship management is then integrated with performance management. While this makes the process much more complicated than the traditional business model, where the autocratic manager would give orders and expect to be obeyed without question, it is also a more effective way of managing performance.

Effective relationship management results in a more pleasant work environment, which in turn is conducive to a higher level of performance. Such an integration of strategic human resource management with performance management systems, if handled correctly, can therefore be highly profitable for a business and result in goals being reached within the optimal time frame. Source CIPD. In the context of many organizations their cultures act as the central reference point for everything from how meetings are held to how people are spoken to, and certainly influence the level of innovation achieved Markides, Cultures then can be either constraints or catalysts of growth for any company. It is in how they are defined that makes the difference.

For any strategy to be effective however it must be in alignment with the cultural norms, values and expectations. For a strategy to be effectively executed it must focus on how to create significant value and change that everyone involved can accept. To do this, a strategy must align to a culture's given norms, values and expectations. Even when strategy changes culture, it must begin in the context of a cultural fit to be seen with credibility and trust. eferences Constantinos Markides. ethinking innovation. Leader to Leader, 34 ,…. References Constantinos Markides.

Rethinking innovation. Leader to Leader, 34 , Jack W. Wiley, Marilou Legge. Disciplined Action Planning Drives Employee Engagement. Human Resource Planning, 29 4 , Operational Objectives: The second key objective of the company encompasses its aim to become operationally stronger and unbeatable in the long run. By achieving these objectives, McDonald's aims to prove itself as the most competitive fast food brand which is always the first choice of customers. Human esource Objectives: McDonald's has employed around 1. It considers these employees as the most valuable resource for its business. Therefore, its five key objectives also constitute the human resource aspects of….

References About McDonald's, Sustainability Scorecard. Retrieved on July 7th, , from Hill, C. Strategic Management Theory, 10th Edition. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning Hitt, M. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning McDonald's, Our Story. Retrieved on July 7th, , from. Official ebsite, This is a wise description in that, rather than specializing in one arena of health care, Johnson and Johnson's diversity of products and character buffets it against some of the specific regulatory turmoil that has affected largely pharmaceutically-based health care companies, such as Pfizer and Merck. The stress on local managerial control also allows the company's diversity to be regionally specific and focused, tailored to the needs of its environment.

orks Cited Strategic Control. Works Cited Strategic Control. In order to achieve the economies of scale, the company has vast network of sales and distribution along with acquisitions and mergers to support increased production of which Cadbury is a recent example. The company also tries to sustain and enhance its brand image by virtue of comprehensive branding strategy. Vertical and horizontal expansion of companies' product range is also indicative of Kraft's sustained strategic expansion. ecently the company split into Mondel-z International, Inc. And Kraft Foods Group, North America. The potential discrepancies in the strategic and business level strategies of the company are based in the functional capacity of the firm.

There have been issues related to internal control of the company being not stringent enough to ensure integrity of financial reporting and for this purpose; the company also adopted an audit committee charter. Aim was to improve the functional management in relation to finance and operations. References Bhaskaran, S. Environmentally sustainable food production and marketing: opportunity or hype-British Food Journal, 8 , Kraft Foods. Make a Legacy. Kraft Foods Group. aspx Low, W. Has the medium roast become the message?

The ethics of marketing fair trade in the mainstream. International Marketing Review, 22 5 , Thomson, N. Basic Strategy in Context: European text and cases. Strategic Management: Management, Organizational Structure, And Corporate Strategies Manager, management, and organization The significance of managers. Size and strategy of a company Mission, vision, and corporate strategy Organizational culture. In an organizational setting, strategy has always been more of a high stakes game where the management team identifies the company's mission and makes important decisions that focus all the company's capital, resources, and energy towards its attainment.

With the dynamic nature of the current business environment, managers need to constantly analyze their internal and external environments to avoid losing their customers to the competition and losing grip of their market share. This text evaluates the importance of managers to an organization, the importance of organizational structure and culture, and the formulation of corporate strategies. Manager, management, and an organization To understand the operations in any business environment, it is important define a manager, management, and an organization.

An organization…. Bibliography Daft, R. Organization Theory and Design. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning Dransfield, R. Corporate Strategy. Oxford: Heinnemann Educational Publishers Flamholtz, E. Corporate Culture: The Ultimate Strategic Asset. California: Stanford University Press Griffin, R. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. It does so primarily to denote the fact that these components are indicators of this company's strategy. The document also aligns these components with the interest of stakeholders. It is exceedingly important for organizations within today's climate of rapid-fire technology and constantly changing marketplaces to adhere to strategy. Due to the celeritous pace of both of these factors, there has been a tendency of many competitive organizations to assume that they can only remain competitive by refining operations processes, which involves cutting costs and increasing time to market of its products Hammond, Nonetheless, an evaluation of one of the most successful enterprises within the food and beverage industry, Kraft Foods Group, reveals that an adherence to strategic positioning is a critical prerequisite for not only short-term success, but that which continues….

References Hammonds, K. Michael Porter's big ideas. State your business. Bloomberg Business Week. Strategic Management Company Overview Me Gusta Marketing is a boutique advertising agency that specializes in social media promotions. The company was founded in late and currently has three employees. The firm is in the advertising industry, and competes with a niche strategy. The firm specializes in social media promotions, an area where many traditional advertising agencies are relatively weak. The company was founded after its principle started an online promotions campaign for a friend's DJ night at a local pub.

The response was far better than expected, so the principle decided to professionalize the service and seek new customers. From there, two other friends were hired into the firm and a number of clients have been signed up thus far. The business is in the process of becoming organized and needs to determine what the business will look like going forward now that the venture looks as though it…. Works Cited: Adams, N. Ad industry hit by economic crisis. Social media: Changing the world of business communication. Bowling Green University. pdf Reinhard, K. Advertising industry's commitment to social responsibility.

Advertising Educational Foundation. Strategic Management: Internal Analysis and SWOT Brief Introduction of McDonald Company McDonalds is a foodservice retailer giant across the world with more than 33, locations and serving almost 68 million people every day. It's a global company but with a local presence in countries operated by the local people. McDonalds, Main strengths of the McDonald Customer elations: McDonalds have mastered the art of deepening their connection with all classes of customers by providing a great service and experience. This connection with the customers has continued to improve and grow positively.

McDonalds places customer experience in all they do. They recognized the fact that customers are the reason for their existence. Hygienic Food Processing Methods: Customers who attend McDonalds for a meal are allowing them to check the standards of the food they eat by inspecting the places where the food is being prepared from. This gives them confidence…. References Marketing Teacher. SWOT Analysis McDonald's. Hamel Business Analysis. SWOT Analysis on McDonald's. Strategic Management Lincoln Electric Expansion to India The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate whether Lincoln Electric should expand its operations to India or not. In this assignment, firstly the facts are presented. Secondly, an analysis is presented about the Lincoln Electric's business strategies and its suitability to operate in India.

Lastly, some recommendations are given which can help Lincoln Electric to expand in India successfully. Facts Lincoln Electric LE is a U. LE is a manufacturing concern generally deals in consumables and equipment related to arc welding. Lincoln Electric is a large set-up having 39 plants world-wide. Due to fast-paced growth of India, Lincoln Electric is considering to expand its operations to India. This is a proposal and LE has to evaluate it considering the business opportunities in India. It is a fact that India provides foreign businesses to reduce their costs by offering…. Particulars Page No. Figure 1: Organizational Structure of McDonald's Table 1: TWOS Matrix Figure 2: BCG Growth Share Matrix Table 2: Gantt chart for Strategy implementation List of Figures and Tables Executive Summary This report presents a complete analysis of strategic management practices at the world's largest fast food restaurant chain, McDonald's.

The report starts by introducing and…. Retrieved on November 24th, , from ADVFN, McDonald's Historical Stock Chart. Retrieved on November 24th, , from Baertlein, L. McDonald's July same-store sales flat, worst in 9 years. Retrieved on November 24th, , from Hill, C. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning. is a financial services company which has been in business for years. The communications side of financial services is Bowne's specialty, as they provide "regulatory and compliance documents; personalized financial statements; enrollment kits; and sales and marketing collateral" Bowne, The company has expanded its operations in recent years due to the wish to be involved in all aspects of their customer's financial transactions.

In February of , Bowne merged its services with those of.. Bowne will remain completely autonomous except in…. References Bowne. Bowne annual report. Cesnovar, T. The impact of strategic management on business outcomes: Empirical research. Journal for East European Management Studies, 11 3. Grant, J. Advances and challenges in strategic management. International Journal of Business, 12 1. O'Shannassy, T. Modern strategic management: Balancing strategic thinking and strategic planning for internal and external stakeholders. Singapore Management Review, 25 1. Strategic Management in Business Development The term "strategic planning" is generally used in the narrow sense, namely the application of management tools to address areas such as, profitability, efficiency, growth and competitive advantage.

Ultimately, to address concerns of stakeholders for increase shareholder value and long-term competitiveness. Business development is at the heart of strategic thinking and needs imagination and innovation. It should be proactive and anticipatory. It involves the creation of a unique configuration of the company's key features, which will match the challenges of its environment and provides strategic advantage. There are two distinct phases: The option generation phase, where creativity must be allowed to flourish and diverse ideas emerge. The option selection phase, where the options are narrowed down through a systematic filtering process.

The process is often iterative with multiple cycles occurring through the two phases. In the first phase the strategic management team works with the…. Works Cited Aguilar, F. Scanning the business environment. New York: Macmillan. Brown, A. Super managing: How to harness change for personal and organizational success. New York: Mentor. Brown, L. Saving the planet: How to shape an environmentally sustainable global economy. New York W. Norton and Co. Coates, J. Issues identification and management: The state of the art of methods and techniques. Research project Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Group. Indeed, if we consider a hotel, for example, in an internal analysis, the financial analysis will evaluate the financial health of the hotel, keeping in mind some of the industry's characteristics such as seasonality and the fact that the hotel's revenues may somewhat depend on the period it operates in.

However, similar to other industries, financial ratios will be calculated based on the basic statements. An internal diagnosis of functional areas will take into account the specificity of the hospitality industry. In this sense, marketing and promotion probably plays an important role, as does public relations, in ensuring that the customers are satisfied with the services provided and that they will be using the same facility in the future as well. The external environment analysis will take into consideration some of the factors that affect the hospitality industry. These may be, for example, legal factors laws that may affect the…. Bibliography 1.

Comerford, Robert a. Text and Tools for Business Policy. Second Edition. Chapter 1. html Comerford, Robert a. Text and Tools for Business Policy Second Edition. Strategic management is increasingly important in the public sector. Public sector organizations are incorporating strategic management principles in an effort to enhance organizational effectiveness and efficiency. This underscores the importance of effective strategic management. Strategic management is particularly important within the context of law enforcement. Law enforcement organizations must have a specified vision and mission as well as goals and objectives. For a police department, the goals and objectives must be informed by both internal and external factors, such as available financial resources and personnel, crime rates, and socio-cultural setup.

During strategic planning, the department must, for example, consider whether it has the resources and personnel needed to respond to crime, prevent crime, and to enhance public safety. An important aspect of strategic management relates to stakeholder involvement. As an organization,…. However the lack of stability in these partnerships is a major weakness for the company today. In , Apple released the following graphic illustrating just how pervasive they believed video-based devices would be, which clearly makes the value of digital content providers critical to their future business model.

Market Assessment of Video-Capable iPods source: Apple Investor Relations, Implementation: Apple will need to work closely with their research and development team to see what Apple is bringing to the table. Despite the success of the iPod and the iPhone, Apple should continue making products that are familiar to the customer but more user friendly. By doing so Apple can offer their customers products at a lower cost. In addition, Apple can also cut costs by using outsourced research and development teams. Implementing a competitively featured product relevant to Apple then needs to take into account a business model that reflects…. The ramifications of creating a more equitable partner ecosystem that respect the needs and profit requirements of digital content providers will serve to create greater differentiation faster than products Berling, Apple's innovation has been driven at the product level, yet they are faltering in the areas of partnerships Abel, What is needed are products that compete with Apple at a functional level yet have a more open architecture that allows content providers to retain their margins and profitability.

Evaluation In evaluating the performance of the differentiation strategy the metrics associated with content use and transfers which Apple relies on heavily Casadesus-Masanell, Hervas-Drane, need to be added to with profit per partner as well. Only then, will an open. As a regional player in an intensely-competitive market, we face an uncertain future. We acquired Deltacom in order to facilitate future growth, but a quick look at our financials indicates that our growth has flatlined and our profits declined to almost nothing last year MSN Moneycentral, One of the issues is that there was considerable overlap between Earthlink and Deltacom, and we felt that this would provide us with synergies, in reality it simply made us bigger without enhancing our operations or reducing our risk.

At this point, we probably need a new strategic direction in order to ensure our future survival. Diversification is one of the best strategies to achieve this. In portfolio management, diversification is a strategy where a number of different types of investments are created in a single portfolio Investopedia, References Investopedia. Definition of diversification. asp Investopedia. Risk and diversification. asp Katzenstein, J. Diversification strategies. California State University. ppt MSN Moneycentral Strategic Management of Amazon and Yahoo.

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