c On the migrants themselves, the migration essay of migration may be employment, business, education, family movement, marriage, calamity, etc, migration essay. It is, however, important to note that both push and pull factors operate simultaneously in any migration, though with varying magnitude, migration essay. These people are human just like the rest of the American-born population, so this extreme vetting and discrimination against them just goes to show the prejudice and pride the society holds. Commutation is the means of travelling on a daily schedule of the people to cities from the neighbouring towns and villages for the purpose of job and other works. By doing so, they value human independence and freedom, as most of the decisions they make would eventually lead to their own happiness. Free essay sample on the given topic "Magical Realism In Literature". First, poverty elicits movement of people as migration essay search for avenues to escape the economic hardships such as employment, better life, and prosperity from their way of life.
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Human beings move from one place to another over long or short distances, searching for places to settle either temporarily or permanently. People that migrate do so individually, as families or in large groups, migration essay. Human migration can be traced back 1. In the present day, people engage in different forms of movement. Internal migration is the travel within a country, external migration is when individuals move to different countries or continents, while emigration is leaving one country for another. Seasonal migration is the movement precipitated by various seasons such as climatic conditions or in search for employment.
Classification of migrant individuals is into three, migration essay. Firstly, an emigrant is a person who leaves their country and settles in another country. Secondly, an immigrant is a person who moves to a new country and makes it their new home while a refugee is a person that escapes problems in their country and seeks refuge in another. People move from their homes to other nations or areas due to push and pull factors, migration essay. Pull factors are motivations that attract people to move to other countries. Firstly, migrants move to industrialized countries in search of employment opportunities, migration essay, which translate to a source of income. Secondly, the movement to other countries is to have higher standards of living, proper medical care and intensified security Also, to further their education.
Social factors also pull people to a country, migration essay. For instance, the United States and Argentina have instituted laws that have facilitated the accepting and legalization of lifestyles of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender community among others, migration essay. People that subscribe to this community in countries that are intolerant often migrate to them. The push factors make individuals leave one country to another. First, poverty elicits movement of people as they search for avenues to escape the economic hardships such migration essay employment, better life, and prosperity from their way of life. Social factors such as racism, sexism and religious persecution push migrants to move. Countries that treat people unjustly because they are of different ethnic groups or due to their religious beliefs tend to make people migration essay the country.
Additionally, lack of tolerance for individuals deemed different migration essay others due to their sexual orientation drives such citizens to other countries. Political issues arising from defiance of government rules, war and oppression cause political instability, migration essay. Consequently, if a government fails in controlling a country and war breaks out migration essay try their best to escape these conditions and migrate to other nations. Human migration poses benefits and disadvantages to the country of origin and the host country. The country of origin benefits from revenue remitted by migrants, enjoy decreased pressure toward their resources, the need to support more citizens or to create jobs, migration essay.
Moreover, they benefit from acquired skills from migrants who learn or work in other countries upon their return. However, migration essay, they suffer a reduction in the workforce, loss of taxpayers, brain drain and gender imbalance, migration essay more men tend to depart leaving women and children. On the other hand, the host country benefits from a diversity of culture and people that bring forth enrichment of their societies and increased cheap labor. The host country though suffers overcrowding, migration essay, increased burden to provide the basic needs and lingering religious and cultural differences.
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Commutation is the means of travelling on a daily schedule of the people to cities from the neighbouring towns and villages for the purpose of job and other works. This is a type of temporary migration. Some people commute seasonally- incase or family gathering or wedding ceremonies. While some immigrants migrate annually. Migration is not just a re-location of human resources and settlements but it is a process which has three-fold impact:. c On the migrants themselves, the purpose of migration may be employment, business, education, family movement, marriage, calamity, etc.
These migrants have very little skill and professional expertise, moreover they lack literacy. They mostly get involved in the low grade activities and fields of manual labour, where there is not much sophistication or use of literary capabilities. Very few are in administrative, professional or technical sphere. The condition of women migrants is worse. Majority of them are illiterate or have very little literacy. Such people take up even lower grade of jobs like the domestic maid servants, hawkers or vendors. This sudden migration burst has led in detoriation in the look of the city and spreading of cities. Rapid human pressure has led to the unprecedented growth of shabby towns, slums and bastees and squatter settlements.
Cities are spreading far beyond its boundary limits. There are also other evils like the overflow of urban unemployment, rapid exploitation of the items of daily necessity like- food, clothing and shelter and their unavailability and there is a very sharp decline of human values and moral and it is increasing over the years as observed its increase from and will steadily increase over the 21st century. Hence the metropolitan cities are becoming like blown-up urban villages which fail to offer basic necessities of life to the people residing in it. Due to unchecked or unprecedented human growth the cities lack in urban functions, characteristics, urban infrastructure and services, and without a strong economic base.
The urban areas not only attract the poor and the illiterate class but it has become a place for the educated and elite class to earn a living and lead a comfortable and relaxed life. There have been many cases where students from villages have come in cities to get higher education, managed with a good job and become a part of the city itself. Even some big landlords and rich farmers have shown their interest in investing a good part of their agricultural profits in the different businesses that goes on in the city and also commercial activities.
Hence the cities of developing countries like India are developing on the plunder or the remains of the rural parts both natural and human. Not just there are rural immigrants to deal with. There are international migrants as well. Majority of the international migrants to India come from Asian countries, which are in turn followed by Europeans, Africans, etc. The neighbouring countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Russia etc. have contributed large number of migrants to India. Since there is no restriction along Indo-Nepal international boundary large numbers of Nepali people come to India for seeking employment, education, business etc. Assam, West Bengal and north eastern states attract large number of legal and illegal migrants from Bangladesh.
This has created a number of social, economic and political problems in these areas. Nepalese are seen in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Maharashtra and Delhi. Similarly migrants from Sri Lanka are most frequented in South India especially in Tamil Nadu. Migration not only creates confusion and commotion, but also an ill-growth of cities. While it may seem that they are limiting jobs for American citizens, this is not entirely the case. People migrating to the US want any job they can get in order to make a life for themselves in this country. They take the cheap labor jobs that no American wants. This makes the economy grow because they are doing important jobs for almost no money.
With these immigrant workers, the GDP is also raised because they are aiding the productivity of the country. Immigrants are also more innovative and more often become entrepreneurs. Many of the billion dollar companies in the US were created by legal immigrants. Most of these people also came to the US on a student visa which proves the importance of programs for migrant students and workers. From each of these billion dollar companies made by non-American born citizens, jobs are created. People coming to the US from other countries are also more likely to go into a science or math career which is also a need for the economy. Ultimately immigration is good for the economy because these immigrants allow the economy to prosper.
These people are human just like the rest of the American-born population, so this extreme vetting and discrimination against them just goes to show the prejudice and pride the society holds. Taking the time to correct the immigration system might actually help to solve many of the problems people see with allowing migrants to come into the country. Once some of the inefficiencies with the system have been sorted out a domino effect may take place and those opposed to immigration may finally be able to see where treating other people with respect and equality can benefit them as well. StudySaurus is run by two uni-students that still get a kick out of learning new things. We hope to share these experiences with you. Stuck on Your Essay? Search For Search. Home Knowledge Base Popular Essay Topics Immigration Essay.
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